Funded by KinderNotHilfe (KNH)

These are groups of 15 to 20 women. They meet weekly and save from as little as $0.50 per member.

The Self Help Group Approach is a program funded by KinderNotHilfe (KNH). It is specifically targeting underprivileged women in the society. These women have formed homogenous groups from the same socio economic groups. These are groups of 15 to 20 women. They meet weekly and save from as little as $0.50 per member. The members use their weekly savings, credit and social involvement as instruments of empowerment. Some of the characteristics include Weekly meetings; saving money; Rotational leadership; Acquiring Loans at agreed low rates, Discussion of social issues at every meeting, Maintaining group and personal books of accounts.

To date, 82 groups have been formed in 6 wards of Umguza, Umzingwane and Bubi districts reaching out to 1394 women (direct beneficiaries) who have started various income generation projects which have brought an improvement to their lives. There has been a marked improvement in the lives of their families especially children whose school fees is paid on time and there have been reports of improved food availability in the different households. The women also received capacity building on growth, marketing, packaging and diversification in their businesses.




Most significant change stories from the women indicate that despite the economic challenges in the country, the SHG individual members are reporting contributions to the household income ranging from $30 (for the new groups) to $90 a month (for the mature groups). Some of the SHG members have bought livestock such as goats and some are embarking on traditional male dominated business ventures such as Brick moulding businesses to respond to business demand within their communities.

The SHG groups have also formed Advocacy committees that are called Cluster Level Associations(CLA’s). These have managed to form more groups within their localities thus ensuring sustainability. They have been capacity build on group businesses that they can embark as on as CLA’s so to develop administration funds to augment their Advocacy efforts and seeking for support from duty bearers and other stakeholders. Community leaders have recognised these structures within their localities as they are really pushing for issues that affect women and children in their areas such as lack of identity documents and making improvements to roads and other infrastructure so that they own the development process in their communities.

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