Securing Rights Program- Sexual Reproductive Health And Rights (SRP-SRHR)
HOCIC has been implementing the Securing Rights program funded by OXFAM in Umguza and Matobo Districts since 2014. Matabeleland South and North Province have the country’s highest HIV prevalence rate of 17,4 % to 20% which is higher than the national average of 15% compounded by high incidences of Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs) with a total of 1850 people being treated in Umguza in 2016 (NAC 2016 Report).
The Rapid Assessment on hindrances to access to treatment in the district conducted by HOCIC at the inception of the program showed that poor health delivery system in Umguza is the major challenge. Of the sampled wards 67% of the respondents cited distance and high transport costs as the major causes of poor access to treatment.
The program is focusing on the following three main outcomes: Increased knowledge levels on HIV and SRHR; (2) Increased access to HIV and SRHR services and (3) Improved livelihoods and nutrition for women and girls, people with disabilities and young people; in 2 wards of Umguza District by December 2014. The major activities that were carried out throughout the course of the programme from inception in 2014 include establishment and formation of Self Help Groups, weekly SHG meetings, advocacy meetings with duty bearers, bulk SMS, sports galas, trainings on low input gardening, trainings on packaging and marketing of goods, marketing of goods at the ZITF, annual review meetings, documentation through the SHG booklet, capacity building through workshops as well as exchange visits and commemorations. By the end of 2017 at least 38 SHGs had been formed in the two wards of Umguza and the women met weekly to save income from as little as $1.
They borrowed loans from the group savings and started individual income generating projects. The weekly meetings saved as a platform for the women to receive and share information on SRHR and HIV which included talks and lessons on Breast and Cervical cancers, PMTCT, STI screening, Family planning, Condom Use, HIV testing and counselling and Treatment literacy to encourage adherence for those living with HIV and AIDS. The women also received capacity building on how to grow their businesses. Despite the economic challenges in the country, the SHG groups thrived with the 38 groups reaching out to 1,203 direct beneficiaries (109 men, 1040 women) through SHGs. 3609 indirect beneficiaries (396 males and 3213 females) were reached through community dialogues, commemorations and campaigns. By the end of 2017, the program had scaled up to cover two wards in Matobo and is now focusing on Gender Based Violence, SRHR and improved livelihoods through the SHG approach.
Technical support was also received from Oxfam in line with rolled out activities. This included trainings on Disability Inclusion, Child Protection, Gender, M and E, Financial Management, Documentation, Gender, Unpaid Care Work, Advocacy. Technical support was also received from Oxfam in line with rolled out activities. This included trainings on Disability Inclusion, Child Protection, Gender, M and E, Financial Management, Documentation, Gender, Unpaid Care Work, Advocacy.